As you explore care options, you may find yourself deciding between for-profit and non-profit care for yourself or a loved one. This distinction is one of the most important factors in choosing a provider that prioritizes the well-being of older adults.
Rhythms Home Care is a service of Christian Living Communities (CLC) a non-profit organization enriching the lives of older adults since 1972. Understanding our commitment to non-profit care is essential, as it directly influences the quality of care we provide, empowering you to make a well-informed choice for your loved one and your family.
Non-Profit vs. For-Profit Elder Care
When an organization says they are for-profit, they are private businesses that are accountable to stakeholders or a large national chain to which they belong. While these organizations may provide high-quality services and amenities, they are designed to turn a profit from rent and fees. Approximately over 83% that offer healthcare at home for older adults in the United States are for-profit. They rely on the fees a client pays to stay in business.
Non-profit elder care organizations are typically affiliated with a group, whether religious, professional or ethnic. They are almost always driven by a specific mission, which guides the decisions they make. Though they still charge rent and other fees, these get invested back into the community.
Quality of Care in Non-Profit vs For-Profit
There is no single statement that applies to all for-profit or all non-profit organizations that offer care for older adults. However, there are a few foundational differences that can impact the level and approach to care.
For-profit organizations operate with a financial goal, which can sometimes lead to prioritizing their bottom line over resident care.
In contrast, non-profits organizations have more freedom to focus on individual needs, providing care based on what’s best for each person rather than financial constraints. Many non-profit organizations have other sources of funding, like donations, allowing them to offer services beyond what residents can afford.
Other Benefits of Non-Profit Elder Care
Potential differences in quality of care aren’t the only benefit of choosing non-profit care for yourself or your loved one. There are other benefits, too!
1. Decisions are Made By a Board of Directors
Instead of being run by one person, non-profits are run by a board of directors who take care of ethical, legal, and other decisions that the organization makes. They hire and oversee the CEO and keep the organization stable and sound. This means listening to resident’s inputs and forming relationships with local business and organization to keep the older adult community connected to the wider community.
2. Greater Individualization in Care
Staffing is a crucial factor when choosing senior home care, so you want your loved one to receive high-quality care.
For-profit organizations often focus on maximizing profits, which can lead to reducing the number of caregivers. Non-profit’s like Rhythms Home care, a service of Christian Living Communities, allocate their resources directly toward caregiver salaries, prioritizing quality of care over profit margins.
Having better caregiver-to-client ratios usually means more personalized care for each older adult With more staff, residents have greater opportunities to build meaningful connections, fostering a deeper sense of well-being.
3. Mission-Driven Care
Most non-profit organizations provide care that is driven by a particular mission. Whether rooted in a religious tradition or a commitment to preserving cultural and ethnic ways of life. This mission drives every aspect of the care they provide. Even if you don’t align with a particular tradition, you may appreciate the values and caregiving principles it promotes. Because these principles drive the organization’s purpose, they take precedence over financial gain, making sure care remains the top priority.
4. Additional Sources of Funding
Non-profit groups often find creative ways to fund their mission beyond the fees paid by residents and their families. In addition to these costs, non-profits may receive grants, donations, and other financial support.
Many times, the religious or community group behind the non-profit contributes to its funding, allowing for care options that remain accessible even to those with limited financial means. This support also enables special programs, projects, and opportunities made possible through the generosity of others.
5. Community Focus
Because non-profit organizations aren’t driven solely by profit, they can focus more on developing community. Even if you or your loved one is choosing home care, they may have opportunities to meet other older adults, participate in activities and engage in meaningful experiences. At Rhythms Home Care, building community is at the heart of what we do, shaping our approach to care in ways that go beyond financial considerations.
Find Non-Profit Care at Rhythms Home Care
At Rhythms Home Care, we can offer you all of these benefits and more. We are proud to have a 25-year history in Colorado, always offering compassionate care and support. Our non-profit team prioritizes enhancing the individual experience of every older adult in our program, and we would love to meet you. Contact us today to find out more.